sâmbătă, 7 mai 2011

Da, Herodot avea dreptate.Kogaion/Gogaion

Da, Herodot avea dreptate.
Foarte interesant,GOG, rădăcină prezentă atât în ramura semitică cât şi IE, cu sens extreme de apropiat. Lingviştii au constatat nu numai că aceste familii au fost în trecutul îndepărtat în contact dar şi că iniţial ramura IE a avut un caracter sau nuanţă semitică, (aspect care azi nu mai este atât de pregnant sau vizibil).
În familia I.E., GUG,GOG :”înalt-mare-rotund ;prea/mărit-înalt-umflat”
Posibil GOG, înainte de a însemna munte a însemnat (v.fam.IE)şi a precedat zeităţile antropomorfe fiind un duh (al muntelui)

AION:”care dăinuieşte vieţii,erei,vremii,pentru totdeauna,la nesfârşit”
Se regăseşte în denumiri Gaion, heraion,Museion unde particula aion dă sensul pentru durabil,care dăinuieşte vremii, în fapt aici ceva fizic, este vorba de templu. Templul lui Hera, al lui Gaia, etc.

GOG-AION: „Muntele – (Templu=sacru,sfânt)”

Din http://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/hebrew/kjv/gowg.html The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon
 Strong's Number:   01463
Original Word
Word Origin
of uncertain derivation
Transliterated Word
TDNT Entry
TWOT - 324
Phonetic Spelling
Parts of Speech
Proper Name Masculine
Gog = "mountain"
1.      a Reubenite, son of Shemaiah
2.      the prophetic prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and Magog

GŌG (Γώγ): Greek form of Hebrew Gowg, meaning "mountain." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the king of Magog who will come from the north and ...

Din http://wwwrl.rosebible.com/WAFrame7.asp?ScreenID=7&Options=10&Content=1&nDicID=G1136 G1136 γωγ Gog gogue 

of Hebrew origin [H01463] גוג; ; n pr loc 

AV-Gog 1; 1 

Gog =" mountain

1) the king of the land of Magog who will come from the north and attack the land of Israel 
REV 20:8

Din Endtimeupgrade
In addition, in the Hebrew language “Gog” carried the meaning of “high” or “supreme”, ... Up till the 2nd century B.C., “Gogarene” was the name the Greeks used to refer to a kingdom in this area (in present-day Armenia and Georgia). ...

Din Gog: The Ancient Gorgons www.tribwatch.com/gog.htm

Because we can thus locate a portion of Gog's empire in Tubal, some writers are already insinuating that out of modern Georgia will come the Biblical Gog. ...

Din Gog and Magog in History and Prophecy

In recent history, certain Georgians referred to themselves as "Gogi.... The title of Khan (meaning King or Chief) became widespread among the many ethnic ..... Gog-hasan /Gogarene / Maiotis: "The Millennium of the Apocalypse" George ...

Din macedon - Shqiptars and Arnauts (albanians)-children of Caucasus my.opera.com/macedonianneighbourhood/blog/.../4235614
The word "gege" in the Georgian language means absolutely nothing, however, ... the Albanian kingdom, i. e. the lands of historical Georgia (Gogarena). ...

 (Γώγ): Greek form of Hebrew Gowg, meaning "mountain." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the king of Magog who will come from the north and attack the land of Israel.
302.           GOGA (Гога): Russian Georgi, meaning "earth-worker, farmer."
Din Thracian Sacred Names and Terminology www.unibuc.ro/uploads_en/29535/30/ThrSacNames.pdf 
Cf. NM Gugu (Romania), NP Goga, also gogă 'a ghost, a phantom' = Alb. gogë etc. ..... as well as the Albanian form and meaning de plano reject such a view. ...

Din http://www.ourbabynamer.com/meaning-of-Goga.html The name Goga is of Russian origin and means "farmer".

Din Eternal Life - Question - Nazarene Space
nazarenespace.com/profiles/blogs/eternal-life-question 2 Dec 2009 ... Yahushua does indeed give eternal life - but the word "Aion" itself means "age-lasting" and refers to the portion of your eternal life that ...

Din The Words Eternal, Everlasting, Forever, etc. hellbusters.8m.com/origineternal.html  "Aion, time; a space of time; life time and life; the ordinary period of man's life, ... lasting, sometimes everlasting, sometimes lasting through life." ...

Din Basic Discipleship – An Understanding of ETERNAL LIFE-Lasting for ever

www.calvaria.co.uk/gloweb/GMACC/a-teaching/.../eternal%20life.pdf  Basic Discipleship – An Understanding of ETERNAL LIFE-Lasting for ever ... In the Greek “Aion” has the prime sense of “world”, “forever” It is translated ...

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