joi, 17 martie 2011

Aegeus, Linear B (a3 – ke – u).

From In Greek mythologyAegeus (GreekΑἰγεύς), also AigeusAegeas or Aigeas(Αιγέας), was an archaic figure in the founding myth of Athens. The "goat-man" who gave his name to the Aegean Sea was, next to Poseidon, the father of Theseus, the founder of Athenian institutions and one of the kings of Athens.Din

Name and emblem

The name ‘Aegeus’ appears in Linear B script and more specifically in the famous tripod tablet, which was used to confirm the decipherment of the script by Michael Ventris. The Society emblembears the three relevant characters of Linear B (a3 – ke – u).

Symbol AB45 – acrophonic abbreviations and a Minoan pun? the cross-legged variant
@ Hagia Triada (HT9, HT13, HT31, HT86, HT94, HT95) and Kophinas (KOZf2)

Sign on Tartaria tablet (on the left) E-Ge-O ? 

Din   sign "de"
The r-series includes both the /r/ and /l/ phonemes: ti-ri-po for tripos (τρίπος)

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