joi, 14 aprilie 2011


Da, aşa spun majoritatea cercetătorilor: Da-Pu2-Ri-To-Yo=Dapyrinthos=Labyrinthos=Labyrinth=Labirint 
Spre ex. da-pu-ri-to-yo po-ti-ni-ja :"Lady of the labyrinth", "Doamna labirintului". 
Este greu de crezut că pe vremea aceea exista un cuvânt care să nu însemne şi altceva ci exact şi numai "labirint", asta este părerea mea. ( Y se pronunţa iniţial U apoi ulterior s-a pronunţat I.) 
Dar când este vorba să explice, .....chestiunea devine mai complicată cică al naibii labirint este exact legat de securea dublă gr. "labrys". 
Dar când se caută originea se fac salturi succesive la cuvinte din ce în ce mai îndepărtate ca formă Labarna,Tabarna,etc.(acestea din urmă ar însemna un gen de conducător). 
Nu vă sfătuiesc să vedeţi explicaţiile şi legăturile pe care le arată lingviştii pentru că ocupă multe pagini. 
Aş vrea să deshid o perspectivă care pare a face legătura între a săpa,găuri<>mină,Minos <>construcţie (palat)

Din "Nostratic Article"  Mr. Bomhard believes that ancestral Indo-Europeans said "bor" for "to bore" or "to pierce"; the Afro-Asiatics said "bar," the Altaics said "bur," the Sumerians "bur," and the Dravidians "pur," while the Uralics said "pura" for borer or auger.

Ceea ce mi se pare foarte-foarte curios este faptul că gr. PYR (citeşte PUR) este foc. Noi nu avem tocmai pur ci pu-ri. De curiozitate am căutat cum se spune în minoană sau miceniană la foc.Lulu, nu am găsit, dar deloc-deloc.Mare mister.

Din Ancient World Blog: Syllabic Grid of Ancient Scripts: PE Luvian ... greek πρ (pyr). The. hypothetical proto-. Indo-European root is. *pehur "fire"Hittite  paHHur. The Phaistos Disk sign ... torch while the other. signs are braziers. ….Sumerian. PIR. heat,. (clearly a. brazier). (Jaritz #684) ...

Altfel, ar rezulta cam aşa pentru Da-PUR-itoyo= 
Da:"dă,pune" (PIE), Da/sanscr. :"a da,dătător" ,gr.pământ" (Da-mater=De-meter="earth-mother"/"mama pământ") pur,pura,puri/sanscr. :"oraş,PALAT" Pyr,pur,puro/gr,:"foc" Cum dapuri=daburi=laburi iar To/Yo este -inthos care înseamnă cică LOC
sanscrita dat-oraş-?
greaca    pământ-foc-loc

Origin of the "Puri" name

The history of the Puri name follows a compound 'Pur' in Sanskrit, Hindi, and Avestan meaning "city" and the possessive suffix 'i' hence meaning "of or from the city". Many scholars claim the name to be descended from the Hindi "Purv" meaning "East", linking the name to the long-held Kshatriya (Khatri) tradition of Sun Worship.

From The Mythical Massacre at Mohenjodaro
He [1947:81] identified mound AB at Harappa as a citadel. ... For the cities, the term used in the Rigveda is pur, meaning a 'rampart', 'fort' or 'stronghold'  ...

The Rishi Agastya is one of the authors of the Rig-veda (see Agastya in the Tamil Land by ....had at one time been known as a city of the Veda, veda-puri...

Sanskrit INDU indu=MOON/luna

Behind the Name: Indian Names

 Sanskrit इन्दु (indu) "a drop" ...

Eu zic da-pu-ri-to-yo=folosind sanscrita=dă,dătător-oraş-"în jos" unde indu,indo=inder,indru=yntho,ynthos,into,intos=inter=intro,intru:"trece/ în jos" oraşul este dat jos,în interior PALATUL DĂ ÎNĂUNTRU 
Folosind greaca, pământ-foc-loc...."locul focului pământului", locul focului din josul pământului Tot cu greaca, Da-Pyrites :"pământ -piatra de foc- loc" v.compară dapyrite cu dapyritojo. LA O ADICĂ AVEM ÎN MOD CONSTANT 2 ELEMENTE IMPORTANTE 1PIATRĂ 2 FOC/STRĂLUCIRE 1.Piatra LAW,tare este la originea lui lawa,lau,lao,laos gr. popor 2.Bar/Bara înseamnă în sum. rege/strălucire,lumină gr. Pur,puros foc (v. regele Pyrrus apoi lat. uro) 

From Hittite tabarna/labarna to linear A (-)du-pu2-re
Din  Not only this; du-pure on Cretan tablets stands for "master of a
 place/palace". Just to remind you
pura in Vedic Sanskrit is a  palace.
Din sumcampus 
2.    SUMEROTAMIL CAMPUS ... I have made the discovery that Sumerian is Archaic Tamil and that Sanskrit is actually a variant of Archaic Sumerian ...

3.   Din Indian Culture-Sumerian Beginnings - Sumerian Tamil
The Sumerotamil is directly relatable to the CaGkam culture of the Tamils in the .... to it we have Ta. puram, puri etc. meaning the castle , a shelter...

Su. buru> Ta. puri> pulan: understanding, knowledge. Su. su-du> Ta. cuudu: to crown oneself.... The word 'naatam' exist in Sumero-Tamil as 'nitah' (niitah? ...

Din akandabaratam : Message: Tamil-Sanskrit Etymological Dictionary-8 
The verb 'bur" in the mu-un-da-bur is the Ta. puri: to make, do etc. ... Tamil-SanskritEtymological Dictionary-8 sumrotamil Words in ... 
The word "Puri" in Sanskrit means 'town', or 'city' and is cognate with polis in Greek. It is possible that Puri is a shortened name for Jagannath Puri or ...

Din ARYAN,ARYANS , the father -puri being sanskrit for father...

The Language of the Minoans By Virginia Hicks, B.A. (Class.) Up to the present time, there has been no thorough attempt to trace the connections between Minoan and Proto Indo-European (PIE); attempts at decipherment have either worked synchronically (from variations on Semitic, Hittite, Luwian or Greek), or diachronically from a later language such as Lycian. This paper attempts to rectify this situation. Experimental readings are given, along with an elementary grammar and sound rules which connect the language to PIE.
…………….Palmer did not get further, due to an inability to see the connections between Minoan and PIE directly, or between Minoan and other related languages.
……….. K Za16 (the corner of a libation table):   to-sa pu2-re-ja
So many (tosa, cf Greek tossos) offerings or things brought
(pu2reja, from the zero grade of PIE *bher- which would yield an o in Greek phoros).
b.  "K" occurs where Greek has an "h" or rough-breathing mark and PIE contains an e-colored laryngeal h1.  Ku-lo is the best example of this.  Other examples are ki-ro(for the temple) on HT 1 and elsewhere; the nominative ki-ru appears on MI Z1.
This is opposed to the Greek hiron (temple).  The rough breathing in Greek is caused
by an original e-colored laryngeal, *ish1ros > *iheros > hieros or hiros.  
L. R. Palmer showed in 1965 (Palmer 1965, 334-5) that the goddess-title Jasasarame made sense if seen as a variant of Hittite Ishasarasmis, my Lady. (The word also appears several times as Jasasara, the Lady, without the enclitic -me.) Besides figuring out this divine title, he also partially translated the libation table inscription KN Za 10: Ta-nu-a-ti ja-sa-sa-ra-ma / na da-wa-a- du-wa-na i-ja
Palmer pointed out that tanuati is the third person singular of the Luwian verb tanu- , meaning, he erects. Jasasarama is dative, paralleling the old Hittite dative ishasarama. Na is the negative imperative in Luwian
 The last part of this inscription would appear to be Ipinama sirute,or the One of strong name (Iphi-nama) was dragged away (if sirute comes from the same root as seira, cord to drag away an enemy).  This and other inscriptions place Atanodjuwaja in parallel with Jasasara; Athena is "the Lady."
 A Working Paper on the Labyrinths of Crete: extract from a dissertation on‘Early British travellers to Crete and their contribution to the island’s Bronze Age archaeological heritage’ for the research degree of Dudley Moore (University of Sussex)
Din THE CRETAN LABYRINTH  labyrinth to be both a quarry and prison….. storehouse…. a stone quarry…. The narrow entrance is very much against the supposition of it having been a stone
quarry….. Perhaps a prison in the ancient times…….. Egyptian labyrinth, ‘This was an extraordinary building, that Daedalus came on purpose
to see it, and built the celebrated labyrinth in Crete, for King Minos, on the same model………. However more recently the Cretan archaeologist Adonis Vasilakis was
adamant that it was a quarry, ‘The ideal thickness of the layers of pearly limestone, and
the ease by which these layers came off, were the obvious criteria by which this area
was chosen for mining of building material.’
He added, ‘It had also been in existence
for ‘thousands of years’…. a
use more than just that.     Gortyns (‘Grotina)  Gnossos,Knossos 
George Crabb
PYRI'TES (Min.) Fire-stone, a sort of stone out of which fire can be stricken. ... by the Englishname of the Pear-Tree, called in the Greek Theophrast. 1. ...

L. A. Waddell
In Sumerian Bar, Bara = " great house or palace or temple " (WSAD. ...

Din Sumerian and proto-Indo-European Lexical Equivalence - Latvian ... BAR 6,7 shine, bright, white, rising sun. BARA 5,6 kingBARA 4 open wide...

Full text of "Sumerian and Babylonian psalms"
The priests or temple singers were named lagar, labar 3 . 

Approaching Temple Staff | Facebook
word for servant (labar), and the lagar may ...

by H Wagner ,Laburus, the name of a local god in Pannonia (Krahe, op.cit. ...

Din Labarna I was the traditional first King of the Hittites, ca. the early 16th century BCs a variant of the name Labarna, "Tabarna occurs widely in Hattian, Hittite, Hurrian and Akkadian texts of the Hittite a
Labarna was actually a title of the early Hittite rulers, rather than a personal name.

Din Luwian Glossary
Gamkrelidze T., Ivanov V. The Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans. Moscow, 1984. .... lawar- (to break) [Greek labra (a path in a rock)] ...
1.    lip
2.    (by extensionedge, margin, brim, lip

The word labyrinthos (Mycenaean daburinthos da-pu2-ri-to-yo po-ti-ni-ja (KN Gg ... It is possible that daburinthos may be cognate with the name of Mt. Tābôr ... with -inthos meaning "place" (as in Corinth). 
Minoans and Mycenaeans at da-*22-to
da-pu2-ri-to-jo = λαβύρινθoιο ~ labyrinthine ...

Po-ti-ni-a Potn…a (The Great Lady ) Goddess surname Etym. pÒtij (male) = the master
pu-ra-u-to-ro pÚraustron tongs Etym. pÚr = fire
Din Labrys (KN Gg 702), daburinthoyo potnia meaning "Lady of the Labyrinth". The Arkalochori Axe ...

Din Pre-Greek and Indo-European. Part III Pre-G *d.ab- 'fitted together' ~ PIE *dhabh- 'fitted together;
fitting, proper(?)'The Mycenaean genitive <
da-pu2-ri-to-jo> shows that Attic <labúrinthos> 'labyrinth' has /l/ from Pre-G */d./ and /b/ from actual */b/, not from */w/ (hence no connection with *law- 'stone',the favorite of scholars trying to analyze this word). In this
context, Pre-G *d.ab- is plausibly cognate with
PIE *dhabh-, and means 'fitted together, made of masonry'. The second element *ur- is treated below.

Din List of proto-Indo-European roots from Skeat's etymological ...'s_etymological_dictionary  Lat. lab-i, to glide, lab-are, to totter, ...a luneca/a se clatina

The Agent Noun Types lawagetas-lawagos

by O SZEMERÉNYI  2009 according to the «early» laws and resulted in lâwâgetâs. And if lawagetas can only contain ......type in -âyoç^ inherited from Indo-European^ was,, under the ...
Din MACEDONIAN issues ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΚΑ θέματα МАКЕДОНСКИЕ вопросы ... in the Mycenaean Greek documents (lawagetas and wanax), .... LAVA- / lava-s, lao-s = People (in arms) / Laos, leophoreio ...

DinThe Sixth Extinction - Species Info - Aurochs (Bos primigenius) he had classified 'urus' (= aurochs) under the same species name. Linnaeus saw the aurochs and the European ...

Din pyro- - Wiktionary
pyro-. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation, search ... From Latin pyr from Ancient Greek πρ (pur, “fire”). ...

Din Labrys (λάβρυς lábrys) is the term for a symmetrical doubleheaded axe, known to the Classical Greeks as pelekus (πέλεκυς) or sagaris, and to the Romans as abipennis.[1]

Etymology In English the first appearance of "labrys", introduced by Sir Arthur Evans, is reported in OED from Journal of Hellenic Studies XXI. 108 (1901): "It seems natural to interpret names of Carian sanctuaries like Labranda in the most literal sense as the place of the sacred labrys, which was the Lydian (or Carian) name for the Greek πέλεκυς, or double-edged axe." And, p. 109, "On Carian coins indeed of quite late date the labrys, set up on its long pillar-like handle, with two dependent fillets, has much the appearance of a cult image."[5] It must be noticed that the priests at Delphi,were called Labryades (the men of the double axe).

The non-Greek word labrys first appears in Plutarch as the Lydian word for axe:
Herakles, having slain Hippolyte and taken her axe away from her with the rest of her arms, gave it to Omphale. The kings of Lydia who succeeded her carried this as one of their sacred insignia of office, and passed it down from father to son untilCandaules. Candaules, however, disdained it and gave it to one of his companions to carry. When Gyges rebelled and was making war upon Candaules, Arselis came with a force from Mylasa to the assistance of Gyges, slew Candaules and his companion, and took the axe to Caria with the other spoils of war. And having set up a statue of Zeus, he put the axe in his hand and called the god, "Labrandeus", labrys being the Lydian word for 'axe'[6]
Archeology suggests that the veneration of Zeus Labraundeos at Labraunda was far older than Plutarch imagined. As with its apparent cognate, "labyrinth", the word entered the Greek language as a loanword, so that without Plutarch's specific reference its etymology, and even its original language, would not be positively known. The loanword labyrinth was used in Greek, but the designation "The house of the Double Axe" for the palace at Knossos is doubted because the same symbols were discovered elsewhere.[7]

Minoan civilization

The term, and the symbol, is most closely associated in historical records with the Minoan civilization, which reached its peak in the 2nd millennium BC, and specifically with the worship of a Goddess.[8] Some Minoan labrys have been found which are taller than a human and which might have been used during sacrifices. The sacrifices would likely have been of bulls. The labrys symbol has been found widely in the Bronze Age archaeological recovery at the Palace of Knossos on Crete.[9] According to archaeological finds on Crete this double-axe was used specifically by Minoan priestesses for ceremonial uses. Of all the Minoan religious symbols, the axe was the holiest. To find such an axe in the hands of a Minoan woman would suggest strongly that she held a powerful position within the Minoan culture.
In the Near East and other parts of the region, eventually axes of this sort are often wielded by male divinities and appear to become symbols of the thunderbolt, but in Crete, unlike the Near East, this axe is never held by a male divinity, only by female divinities and her priestesses.[10] It was probably the symbol of the arche (Mater-arche:matriarchy).[11]
The bull is a symbol of Zeus and indeed the labrys is associated with an archaic symbol of the thunder deity whom Zeus and others become as storm gods wielding their thunder weapons and are found in familiar motifs of Indo-European mythology. Examples are the Nordic god Thor, who hurls his mjolnir to cast thunder and lightning upon the earth, or Indra, who uses his favourite weapon the vajra. Similarly, Zeus throws his Keravnos to bring storm. The labrys, or pelekys, is the double axe Zeus uses to invoke storm.
"Many points go to prove that the double-axe is a representation of the lightning (...). The worship of it was kept up in the Greek island of Tenedos and in several cities in the south-west of former Hellenic Asia Minor, and it appears in later historical times in the cult of the thundergod of Asia Minor (Zeus Labrayndeus). An impression from a seal-stone shows the double-axe placed together with a zigzag line, which represents the flash of lightning" states Chr. Blinkenberg[12] Control over a frightening natural phenomenon such as lightning always has been a chief reason for propitiation of deities.
In feminist interpretations (particularly by Marija Gimbutas) however, it is also interpreted as a symbol of the Mother Goddess and compared to the shape of a butterfly rather than an axe.[13] Robert Graves interprets it as the symbol of the moon of the great goddesses, with the two curved edges indicating the waxing and waning phases on either side of a full moon.

Ancient Greece

The word labyrinthos (Mycenaean daburinthos[14]) is probably connected with the word labrys.In the Linear B (Mycenean Greek) script a symbol similar to a double-axe represents the phonetic sign a.[15] In the context of the Classical Greek myth of Theseus, the labyrinth ofGreek mythology is frequently associated with the Minoan palace of Knossos and has a long tradition of use that extends before any written records explain the traditions.
On Greek vase paintings, a labrys sometimes appears in scenes of animal sacrifice, particularly as a weapon for the slaying of bulls.
On the "Perseus Vase" in Berlin (F1704; ca 570–560 BC), Hephaestus ritually flees his act of slicing open the head of Zeus to free Athenawhose pregnant mother Zeus swallowed to prevent her offspring from dethroning him. Over the shoulder of Hephaestus is the instrument he has used, the double-headed axe. The more usual double-headed instrument of Hephaestus is the double-headed smith's hammer so the symbolism is important. Zeus swallowing the goddess symbolized the progressive suppression of the earlier traditional religious beliefs, symbolically dethroning the goddess, Metis, but allowing Athene (her daughter) to be "born" of Zeus because her worship was so pervasive and widespread that it could not be suppressed. That is likely the reason the labrys was depicted as the instrument used by Hephaestus (who much earlier had been a consort of the Earth goddess) to release Athene.
On Greek coins of the classical period (e.g. Pixodauros, etc.) a type of Zeus venerated at Labraunda in Caria that numismatists call Zeus Labraundeus (Ζες Λαβρανδεύς) stands with a tall lotus-tipped sceptre upright in his left hand and the double-headed axe over his right shoulder.
The double-axe also appears in Thracian art. On the Aleksandrovo kurgan fresco, it is probably wielded by Zalmoxis.
Diktaian Master’: A Minoan Predecessor of Diktaian Zeus in Linear A?
Miguel Valério
Citation Information. Kadmos. Volume 46, Issue 1-2, Pages 1–2, ISSN (Online) 1613-0723, ISSN (Print) 0022-7498, DOI: 10.1515/KADMOS.2007.002, /March/2008
published online: 13/05/2008
The article concerns the Linear A form j/a-di-ki-te-te-du-pu2-re which occurs in four stone libation tablets from Palaikastro, in eastern Crete. The starting point of the present analysis is the element (-)du-pu2-re, which appears as aWanderwort pertaining to the sphere of power and kingship, and is ultimately connected to the Hittite royal title tabarna-/labarna-. Hence, the whole form above should be rendered as ‘Diktaian Master (dat.)’ (vel. sim.), with clear reference to a Minoan deity predecessor of the later Diktaian Zeus.

Din Sacerdos qui sacrum dat, sacrum dare and sacra facere in ancient Italy by A Prosdocimi - Messap. tabara 'priestess', tabaras 'priest'

da-pur-inthos =give-fire-into,interior into (the place where you) fire-giving
Sumerian: BAR :”shine, bright, white, rising sun”.>>BARA :”king”>>LABAR:”priest”
Myc. LABur=DAPur=DABur

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