joi, 14 aprilie 2011

phoinike, phoinikeia, phoinix, fenix , phanos-phonos < visa > viu, vin, vinci, invinge, voinic

? Originea este “a fărâmiţa” sau „unu” /The origin is „to strike,make pieces” or „one” ? 

ROMANIAN: A fărâmiţa,face făină,fin (vezi a fărâmiţa,FĂRma,presa visa a FARmec,impresiona) > fărâmă,una,Unu > unic,unica,=casă,acasă >spre casa,vine acasă:care vine,vinos,venos,sângeriu > vine,învinge,(fărâmiţează,făinează,fin) 

ENGLISH: To strike,make pieces,one (see strike visa striking and press visa impress) > one,unique,home > at home,to home,come home,come, come again >come up,blod,blody,venous,wine>overcome Oikos,oinos Oikos>>woikos,wikus Oinos>>phoinos,phonos ? BO :”power” >BOs,BOus powerful, BOii> BAN,BANA;BENU “powerful,striking”>phana,phanos,phone(illuminate,flame,flaming,red,killing,bloody-red,bloody) ? Bal,bel,balo<> black,phlack >phlakos,flacără (foc, Phocea,Phokaia,to cook rom. <>”frige”,Phriges) 

The Name of the Number - Google Books Result Michael Deakin ... Lockwood Szemerényi Watkins 1 *oykos, *oynos ————— *oi-no 2 *dwo(w) *dwoi *dwo– 3 *treyes *treyes *treyes 4 *kwetwores *kwetwores *kwetwor– 5 *penkwe ... 1. n China, Egypt, India, and Persia — this bird, the Phoenix, has been "an astronomical symbol of cyclic period," some versions of the well-known fable making its life coincident with the Great Year of the ancients. 2. With the Egyptians who knew this bird as Bennu and showed it on their coins, it was an emblem of immortality; indeed it generally has been such in pagan as well as in Christian times. 3. A phoenix is: "A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a paragon" (American Heritage Dictionary) a supremely beautiful, rare, or unique person or thing" (Encarta). A successful completion of a process. 4. Klein (Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary ) says that phoenix is related to; "Greek phoinos 'bloodred', phonos (for *gwhonos),'murder', phonos (for *ghenyein), 'to strike' and cognate with Latin defendere ..." Latin defendere comes from the Indo-European root *gwhen- 'To strike, kill'. Derivatives: bane (a cause of harm, ruin, or death), baneful, gun, defend, defense, fence, fend, offend,offense. [Pokorny 2. gwhen-(e)- 491, bhen- 126. Watkins] 5. Associated words: Greek word phoinós for "red" (or "red blood") because the phoenix is associated with fire and the sun. The Greek word for purple is phoeno, the bird was said to be purple. Greek phonós is "murder". Phoenix is a "date-palm" where it is said to have built its nest. Porphyry (a crystal rock from a Latin word for purple). 6. The word Phoenician is thought to be related to the word purple: from M.Fr. phenicien, from L. Phoenice, from Gk. Phoinike, perhaps lit. "land of the purple" (source of purple dye). Identical with phoenix (q.v.), but the relationship is obscure. 7. Fires: The phoenix in mythology is said to live for 500 or 1000 years. At the end of its life, it builds and settles on a nest or funeral pyre of spices, and when the sun reaches its apex, the heat of its rays ignites the nest and the phoenix perishes in the flames. Another story says it lights the fire by striking a rock with its beak and fans the flames with its wings. Three days later from its own ashes a little worm crawls forth which became the new phoenix. 8. The "fawkes" in Guy Fawkes is said to be related to "phoenix", and it is said that the naming of Fawkes arises from the phoenix's tendency to burst into flame [3]. About 400 years ago, Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the English Houses of Parliament with gunpowder. Every year on the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot, children burn an effigy of him on a bonfire. This includes the letting off fireworks. Arsonists (in the AstroDataBank program) often have a connection with this star, Ankaa. Latin Verb vēnī first-person singular perfect active indicative of veniō. 1. "I have come, I came" 2. "I have approached, I approached" venī 1. second-person singular present active imperative of veniō. 1. "come thou" 2. "approach thou" 9. vincere - Wiktionary . From Latin vincere, present active infinitive of vincō (“win, conquer”). [edit. 

Online Etymology Dictionary << stem of vincere "to conquer," from PIE base *weik- "to fight, conquer" (cf. ... 11. “Phoinikeia”=”Phoenician” (see phoinikeia gramata,phoenician letters) in reality phoinikeia :”impressive,impressions,imprinted,information” not letters proper.>> 

 Phoinikeia=”feniciene”,(vezi phoinikeia gramata,litere feniciene) , în realitate “impresionante,impresii,imprinturi,semne,informaţie”  
phoino :"roşu,roşu- purpuriu,roşu-sângeriu"........SÎNGERIU =SÂNGEROS nikos :"învingător", de fapt reiese din comparaţia phoinikos <> voinicos s'ngeros-luptător,învingător<> voinic.................... ce mi-e una ce mi-e alta Phoenicia - 

katapi NEW interactive BIBLE ATLAS (Google Map api v3 ... The name Phoinikes is to be explained from Greek phoin (os) plus the suffix -ik, used in ethnic names. As the word means 'dark red,' 'purple,' it described ... 

Nike (mythology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In Greek mythology, Nike (Greek: Νίκη, "Victory", pronounced [níːkɛː]) was a goddess who personified victory, also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory. ... Strongs's #3528: nikao :: 

Greek/Hebrew Definitions :: Bible Tools Greek/Hebrew Definitions. Strong's #3528: nikao (pronounced nik-ah'-o) ... overcome, prevail, get the victory. Thayer's Greek Lexicon: ... 1a3) when one is arraigned or goes to law, to win the case, maintain one' s cause ... Revelation 5:5: "of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book," ... Meaning of Niko, Baby Names and their Origins The name Niko has the following meaning: One who is victorious. Derived from Greek "nike" (goddess of victory) and "laos" (people). It is a male name, ... 

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