joi, 14 aprilie 2011

Proto-Afro-Asiatic *mn, Egyptian mn,Min, PIE men, MINoa, MINos

lat. MINare rom. MÎNa drive/ a conduce=a MÎNa 
lat. MINae rom. aMENinţări engl. threats/aMENinţări
 lat MINa rom. MINa engl.MINe/MINă 
lat. Gr. MANia rom. MÎNia engl.rage,threatening/MÎNie pers. MEI rom. MINe acc. (on,by,to,at me) engl. MINe gen. Of me anc. Gr. we/us" ἡμῖν (eMIN) 
rom. a MINa,MINte.aMENinţare,aMIN minoan MINos < !? > rom. MÎNios 'to remain, be firm' :
Proto Afro Asiatic MIN = PIE,MEN = Egipt. = MIN = răMÎN(e), MÎN(a) > aMEN, aMIN : “So be it” / ”(aşa) să fie,fixat, stea, răMÎNe” 
romanian :A MÎNa (ex. la un han )... (eu) MÎN (răMÎN,stau cantonat) > ro/ruMÎN?puternic-mân/rămân? MIN > fixed, constant, home, trustworthy, be,remain/să fie, stea,rămâne,fixat-constant-casă MINoa, MINoan, MIN :”fixed,remain” MINos:” fixed,remaining,constant,hero” 
MINOtaur :”strong/bull-staying,fixed,remaining,trust” = SUN (tar,taur,strong) 

2. 3. The Secret History of the World. And How To Get Out Alive the labyrinth of Minos was modeled on an original in northern Egypt. ... 
4. Indo-European Lexicon: Pokorny Master PIE Etyma 
5. men-, IE 3. men-, to stay, remain, stand still ... 

5. The Nostratic macrofamily: a study in distant linguistic relationship - Google Books Result Allan R. Bomhard, John C. Kerns Egyptian mn 'to remain, to abide, to dwell; to be firm, established, enduring', mn-t 'place, abode, habitation'; Coptic mun 'to remain ...... Proto-East Cushitic *man-l*min- 'house' > Somali min 'bridal house'; ... Proto-Southern Cushitic *min- 'house' > Dahalo mini 'house'; PROTO-LANGUAGE "HE" AND "IT" ... and PIE monu-s, 'man, human`, Egyptian *mn, 'male` (the 'phallus`-sign, ... 
Proto-World Language - Skadi Forum › General Anthropology › Linguistics Proto-Afro-Asiatic *mn 'male, man, person';< Proto-Afro-Asiatic *mn 'to remain, be firm' > Egyptian mn, ... ethnicity_meditproto_endversion def Min, Egyptian god, 371. Min, legendary Egyptian king, 90; cf. Men,. Menes. Mina, in North Syria, 283. Minerva, 118, 151-152; cf. Athena. Minnesota, 155 ... 1. IACM 2008 proceedings semifinal def BETERBETER 12pt NOMARKUP by W van Binsbergen - ...... Egyptian Min (whose belemnite symbol equates him with lightning), or any demiurge. ... "Nostratic"... A dead fairytale dragon. Min = “fish” is like the most unambiguous Dravidian word you can get. Also if you look at his Nostratic dictionary there is plenty of Min ... Lingwhizt[FeedShow RSS reader] ..... *men- "mind" = Latvian min "mention", at-min "remember", at-mina "memory" ... "MINOS" OF THE MINOAN CIVILIZATION OF CRETE: Let me give you another example; The name MINOS of the ancient Crete civilization. MINOS is said to be legendary king of the so-called "Minoans". When the name MINOS is separated to its components as "MIN-OS", it becomes the Turkish "MIN OS" ("Men Os", "Men Uz", "Men OGUZ", "Os Men" (Osman)) meaning "I am OGUZ", that is, "I am Tur/Turk" which identifies their OGUZ ethnic origin. It is also the anagram of Turkish "MIN AS" meaning "I am One", "I am alone" which also refers to the ancient Turanian Sky-God. At the same time, MINOS is a title fit to a KING of ancient Crete. The title MINOS is made from Turkish such that it refers to ancient Turanian Sky-God OGUZ. This elevates the king to the level of the Sky-God. amenable - definition of amenable by the Free Online Dictionary ... from Latin min re, to drive, from min r , to threaten, from minae, threats; see men-2 in Indo-European roots  

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