vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012

Ce părere aveţi? What`s your opinion? Reading proposal Hor/Heracles & Seyr,Syros,soros...

semne pe tablita de la Tartaria in sfertul situat in stanga-sus
stanga :H, ?D/sauP?
dreapta: +++++
stanga :H,R
dreapta: S(x?)
R R o o
(HoR..?) HeR,,.. SeRROU/SuRRou/Surros/syros

D O C U M E N T A R E ! mare atentie !

1.Syros insulă în Ciclade a carui nume posibil cica vine din fen. usyr "fericit",

Queen of the Cyclades http://www.gogreece....sroom/syros.htm
According to mythology, the first inhabitant of Syros was Coeranus, who arrived on a dolphin after his ship sank near Paronaxia (dolphins seem to be very good about rescuing sailors). If Coeranus was a Phoenician, then the myth may be true. Archeologists say the first to settle this island were probably sailors from Phoenicia, a coastal land that once was where Lebanon and Syria are now. The name of the island comes from the Phoenician word "usyra" meaning happy or from "syr" meaning rock (the island is very rocky). It was a long journey from Phoenicia to Syros, much farther than our trip, but the Phoenicians were great sailors. In very ancient times their ships controlled the trade routes. fapt zic eu de la USAR numele egipt. al lui Osiris (Osiris fiul lui Hor)

3. Hor <>Heracles (ambii eroi primordiali ca si Hor Osiris)

Din sci.lang: Re: Did the Trojan war really happen the way Homer said it ... › Archivesci.lang2004-07HYPERLINK ""Cached
13 Jul 2004 – be understood as the sun, shining on the male head or king and the ear of grain ... The peculiar name Seyr for Zeus may have a correspondence in the Hittite ... well worthy of Zeus, who was the supreme Greek god already in ...

5. SEIR=SOARE ?? Din AncientBibleHistory : Message: Re: Seir = The Sun - United StatesCached
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
25 Aug 2001 – Please respond to the idea that "Seir = Sun".... that's all I really ... Sirius was the name of the dog that accompanied the Greek Hero > Orion!

6. eugenrau seir=seiros=xeros=ca si xerox=uscator=a fost aplicat in vechime atat pentru soare cat si pentru sirius

Sirius Various early Greek authors used it for our Sirius, perhaps generally as an ... in its forms seir, seiros, and seirios, — Suidas used all three for both sun and star, ...7. Inscripţie

There is also a Greek inscription identifying the dead man as Syros, son of a man called Herakles.
nota.Nu este nici un personaj real syros sau heracles sant probabil syros=sirius,soare? si heracles zeitati !!!

8.Langa tablitele de la Tartaria s-a gasit o statueta faceless fara fata in maniera cicladica, apoi s-a mai gasit o bratara din scoica spondylus care creste numai in Mediterana
Originea scrisului daca nu si a tablitelor pare a fi asa cum am spus probabil in postarea anterioara Marea Egee (Cyclade sau Creta)

9. Am putea avea si asa
HeRa SURRoo/SuRRouSuRu (citeste suru)
hera gr. "lady of the house"= "doamna".... surou "of Syros"="din Syros" (=Siros,insula Siros)

10. Vezi Indo European radacina sur, suria <viza> Hor
vezi. Din The common origin of the God's names Yahweh (Jehovah) and Zeus › LinguisticsComparativistics
About an opportunity of the Indo-European origins of the Bible names. ... probably, "sun-similar", which on Indo-Arian Could sound as Suria-man "the solar person" .... occurs from a Indo-Aryan root sur - "sun") or in headstream Euphrates (this ...

Din Xur/bel/gon - The Human Speech Formula - By Dušan Vukotić

<<Slovenians (Sur-Bel-Gon), are closely related to the ancient sun deities. ... HOR.... Both " yahweh" and "sabaoth" are Indo-European words; "el/elohim" is a ...>> Altfel la baza numelui pentru soare pare că stă XUR sau KUR din care au derivat atît HOR cît şi SUR din Suria/Svar. ...
11. gr. soros "pit,grave" ="groapa,mormant" lat. si traca siros "groapa,siloz" (latin siros>silos=rom. "siloz") sp. horreus :"siloz,hambar" de fapt vine tot de la de la uscare,"uscator"

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