1. datul,împrumutul unui sau unor (5?+++++) vezi vezi amuleta cu capra/iedul2. pâine, prăjitură ritualică ofrandă Herei,domnului sau pământului3.
amuletă unde semnul prosperităţii şi fericirii este crucea precum era şi svastica4.
însoţirea spre groapă a doamnei de la Tărtăria5. ritual magic,consultare oracol
The Tartaria round tablet could be relate to:
1. giving,borowing of one or more (5?+++++) kid-goats
2. ritualic bread or cake
3.amulet with the sign of life and prosperity i.e. the cross, as swastica was
4. escorting downward,to the pit-grave the remains of Lady of Tartaria
5. magic ritual, interpreting or consulting an oracle
semne în jumătatea de sus: S
HD D D o o
(u?)citiri posibile:
HeDe,HeDu S(e,u) DeDou=DeDuHeRe,HeRo,HeRa,HeRu
limba greac
ă: 1.acum,deîndată dă
:" edo/hde=ede didou" 2.s
ă dai Hera : "Hera didou"3.dă doamnă, dă domn,domnul,doamne :"hera didou", "hero didou"3.d
ă pământ :"era dedou"4. dă fericire :"hari didou"arom. harios fericit5.dă
,să dai (eu/să)mănânc :"edo didou"6. dulce,pl
ăcut dă/să dai :"hed(os) didou"
limba latină:1. domnul dădu/ a datv :"heru(s) dedui/dedu"2.doamna d
ădu/a dat :"hera dedu"3.conduc jos,însoţesc doamna :"hera deduc"4.manâncă aduce,dau :"ede deduc(o)"5.ied(u)/iezii dau,aduc :"haedu(s)/haedi deduc "Proto-latină.*h1or De Deou :"interpretez un oracol de la Zeu"Nota. se,su :"tu"
Original Word Word Origin hde Transliterated Word Ede "already 42, as soon as 1, now 14, soon* 1, this time 2" edo,ede/gr.:" aici,aceasta este,acum,degrab
ă"lat. ede :"(tu)manâncă""*ghaidos>lat. haedus (pronunta .haidus)
haedus http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/haedus Alternative forms aedus ēdusNumber Singular Plural
nominative haedus haedī genitive haedī haedōrumdative haedō haedīsaccusative haedum haedōsablative haedō haedīsvocative haede haedīede haede :"manancă iezi"dedi/lat:"am dat"http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/cybalist/message/30856 At some point _dedi:_ or its derivative was replaced by dedui, which
in turn has been replaced by dãdui, the last surviving reduplicated
perfect in Romance.
Latin : deduc-o, deducere, dedux-i, deduct-um http://www.marionk12.org/sager/oxford/latin_paradigms/conjugation/verb3/deduc.htmEnglish : lead down or away/bring/escort
Active |
deduc hera /lat. : "conduc jos/insotesc doamna"dedoce lat.:"a dezvăţa" http://www.dictionarfrancez.ro/?c=d%C3%A9sapprendreDEDOCEO, ES, ERE, CUI, OCTUM, tr http://www.dicolatin.com/FR/LAK/0/DEDOCE/index.htm
DEDOCE : la deuxième conjugaison active des verbes, 2 éme personne singulier présent impératif actif indicatif 1ére pers. sing. DEDOCEO
http://mudrac.ffzg.unizg.hr/~rmatasov/PIE%20Religion.pdf *h1or- > Lat. oro, Hitt. ariya- „consult an oracle";earth - Webster's New World College Dictionary - YourDictionarywebsters.yourdictionary.com/earth Origin: ME erthe < OE eorthe, akin to Ger erde < IE base *er- > Gr era, earth
Greek Goddess Hera Queen of Heaven Roman Goddess Juno - eBaywww.ebay.com/itm/Greek-Goddess-Hera...-/170869840786 Greek Goddess Hera Queen of Heaven Roman Goddess Juno Pagan Wiccan Statue #HE in ... Her name is from the Aegean Greek for "Lady" or "Holy One."Latin Definition for: hera, herae (ID: 22038) - Latin Dictionary and ...www.latin-dictionary.net/definition/22038/hera-herae Definition for the Latin word: hera, herae -- (LatDict Word ID: 22038) ... Lady; lady of the house; mistress; woman in relation to her servantsherus meaning | Latin Dictionarywww.latin-dictionary.org/herus herus according to the free Latin Dictionary. N M master| lord; owner| proprietor.
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