vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012

Quadrant of the round Tartaria tablet situated on the upper-left side with the signs HP (hebrew Chet-Qopf)

Hebrew Koch, maybe I.E. KOG "loculus,niche,ossuary"Excarnation: Food For Vultures Unlocking the mysteries of Chacolithic ossuaries By Rami Arav nearly a century before the Romans destroyed the Temple in 70 C.E., Jews, especially in the Jerusalem area, would inter the bones of their deceased in stone boxes, or ossuaries, about 2 feet long and a foot high. The ossuary had to be long enough to accommodate the longest bone in the body, usually the femur. Children’s ossuaries were accordingly shorter. Many of the ossuaries were inscribed or decorated. Hundreds of them have been recovered.
Interment in the ossuary involved only the bones and, for this reason, would not occur until about a year after an individual’s death, when the flesh had desiccated and fallen away from the corpse, leaving only the bones. For the first year the deceased was interred in a loculus (plural loculi; Hebrew, koch, plural kochim), a 6-foot-long hole or cavity carved into the wall of a burial cave. There (or on a stone bench in the cave), the body of the deceased would repose until it was ready for the ossuary.Herod's Judaea: A Mediterranean State in the Classical World Samuel Rocca - 2008 - History ... the deceased was brought to his tomb and was deposited on a bench under an arcosolium.There the body was left to decay for an entire year. ...The ossuary was then closed and deposited in a loculus or koch.
It seems that the same ossuary was sometimes used for gathering the bones of more than one ...Phoenician, Greek or Celtic Origins? September 2008 Amilcar Guerra discovered the longest and readable Tartessian inscription in Mesas do Castelinho, South Portugal. There are 95 of these inscriptions found between southern Spain and Portugal in total
There were 82 complete signs supporting a Indo-European language classification However, the ongoing "Celtic from the West" project, under the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, has classified Tartessian as Celtic. The Project Leader (2008 to present) John T. Koch claims that Tartessian was a Celtic language, rather than a non-Celtic language containing a relatively small proportion of Celtic names and loanwords.
Further interpretation of this inscription by Koch has confirmed prefixes, inflections, and suffixes recombined in this longer text. Despite the disagreements among scholars, Tartessian is generally treated as unclassified language, but its presence helps us place the ancient land of Tarshish
The IVP women's Bible commentary - Page 160 - Google Books Result
Catherine Clark Kroeger, Mary J. Evans - 2002 - Religion This episode introduces the concept of the holy in ancient Israel.The Hebrew root qch originally meant "separate" and could denote any object withdrawn from ordinary use and devoted to God. As such the object became ...List of Hebrew Roots: KA – TZ « Unearthing the Hebrew 'Dvar-Elohim'! – Cord; used to secure items together or for attaching to an object to make a sling QCh – Take; merchandise as taken
Hebrew Transliterated

8:6 QCh 'aTh-HLVYM MThVK BNY YShUr'aL VTHUrTh 'aThM. King James Version
8:6 Take the Levites from among the children of Israel, and cleanse them.So you are to make the Levites separate from the children of Israel, and the Levites will be ...

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