duminică, 20 februarie 2011

work in progress Linguistics.1.PELASG

1.  PEL-ASG : engl.:"(to) fill,,flat-skin " – “people”
 "                   rom.:"(care) umple,s-a întins,(rasa)=pielea" - "lume,popor"                                  OAMENII,POPORUL   care s-a ÎNTINS, mult/A UMPLUT aşezările

Din Appendix:Proto-Indo-European *pel- - Wiktionary en.wiktionary.org/.../Appendix:Proto-Indo-European_*pel
 This entry deals with Proto-Indo-European reconstructed forms, forms that are not directly attested, ... [edit] Root. *pel- "gray" ...
Old Prussian pelwo, Lat. palea, Skr. पलाल (palāva), Lith. pelūs, Ltv. pelus, Russ. полова (polova)
Alb. plak, Arm. ալիք (alik'), Skr. पलित (palitá), Av. pouruša, Pers. /pūrū, Kurd. pêl, XMK pellus, Gk. πολιός (poliós); πελιτνός (pelitnós), Lat. palleō; pullus, Ir. liath, Welsh llwyd, Lith. pelekas, Ltv. pelēks, Old Prussian pelē, OCS плавъ (plavŭ), Russ. пелёсый (pelësyj), ON fǫlr, Gm. falo/falb, Eng. fealu/fallow
Gk. pélas; πέλμα (pelma), Lat. pellis, Russ. пелена (pelena), Goth. fill, Gm. fël/Fell, Eng. filmen/film, ON fjall, Lith. palà; plėnė, Ltv. plēne, Old Prussian pleynis
Hitt. pališ, Arm. հող (hoł); լայն (layn), Lith. plónas; platùs, Ltv. plãns; plañdît, Old Prussian plonis, Ir. lian/; lethan/; lethaid/, Welsh lleyn; llwyn; lledu, Eng. feld/field; /flat Gm. feld/feld, Gk. platýs; πλανάω (planaō); πλάσσω (plassō), Skr. पृथु (pthú), Av. fraθah, Lat. plānus, Russ. плоский (ploskij); nidar ploskŭ, OCS ploskŭ
1.    www.reporter.am/pdfs/AE112809.pdf

2.    Din Old Norse Online: Base Form Dictionary www.utexas.edu/cola/.../lrc/.../norol-BF-X.html - Pokorny 1: pel-, pelə-, plē- :: to fill, pour; full; town? ...

Din http://anthrocivitas.net/forum/showthread.php?p=68091 Here 14 points that I wrote on the Indo-European proto stems (all in all there are some 458 proto indo-european roots that can be found in wiktionnary http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Append...European_roots ) rephrasing ideas written by Bernal and Gamkrelidze&Ivanov.
About the 458 supposed proto indo-european roots:
1/How could be same roots have such different meanings(for example exist 4 "pel" first "pel"=flour,second "pel"=gray,third "pel"=skin,fourth "pel"=flat)?
2/How could be synonims exist with different roots(such as skin which has at least 3 listed different proto ie roots)?
3/Many semantic shifts are broad.
4/Many sound shifts look very unlikely.
5/Many supposed proto ie roots are anachronist(door,bourgh,fort...)and could not exist in the language of steppe hordes of the late neolithic.(according to the pontic model)
6/Many supposed proto ie roots are Afro-Asiatic loans(star,three,sun,six,seven,eight,home,tree,fie ld,pilaku,barley,field,snow,door,corn,dher,goat,bu ck,cow,bee,honey..... )[see Gamkrelidze&Ivanov]
7/Some other roots are loans from Kartvelian,NW Caucasian,NE Caucasian[see Gamkrelidze&Ivanov]& some listed proto ie roots could be pre Indo-European languages of Europe(Vasconic,Pictish,Tartessian,Pelasgian).
8/Many supposed proto ie roots are shared eurasiatic and nostratic roots.
9/Many supoosed proto ie roots are supported by examples of very few Indo-European branches and sometimes by only 1 ie branche,or from only 1-2 branch with very unbelievable sound changes forgetting the innovation,loans and chance propabilities.

Din Askos (pottery vessel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Askos_(pottery_vessel)

Askos (Ancient Greek σκός "tube"; plural: σκοί - askoi) is the name given in modern terminology to a type of ancient Greek pottery vessel used to pour ...

Din Ancient Greek Pottery Askos - Ancient Greek Ceramic Askos pottery.about.com/od/...Greek.../Askos.htm Ancient Greek pottery askos, a flask form developed from animal-skin wine sacks.

1.       Din Paradigms: the economy of inflection - Rezultate Google Books Frans Plank   books.google.ro/books?isbn=311012761X... Thus Classical Armenian orear 'people' had as its GD. the normal singular ... The most vulnerable cases are Asg., which has no distinctive morphs at all, ...

Classical Armenian azg ‘people’

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