luni, 21 februarie 2011

Tartaria tablets visa writing history (2).Tăblitele de la Tărtaria în perspectiva istoriei 2

It has on it true letters.
It seems that is showing the processus of adapting phoenician letters to the greek needs, like cretan and euboean early alphabets.
As those who tried to read archaic cretan tablets and writing and were not entirely shure for the phonetic value of the letters, so I am not entirely sure.
The tablet is divided in four parts or quadrants by a cross. As a convention ,that onesituate in the lower-right part could be the quadrant No.1. Counter-clock wise (anteorar) will folow the No,2, No.3 and No. 4 quadrants.
This quadrant has an pzzling aspect as containing 2 chinese-like hierogliph or icons.
This quadrant has on it apparently to icons or complex signs.
Those signs could be interpreted as such, and at least that one situated on the right side could be interpreted folowing sumerian signs as the temple or abodeof the sun-god. I found the sign of Shamash wich is close to this sign.The difference is that we have in our sign anG or L greek sign intercalated and have no thewavy sign of M.
At least this sign is close to the sign of Tanit, wich is by some related to Astarte, so will remain in astral field.
If not interpreted using sumerian signs, its apearance remain close in my interpretation as signifying a sun-god deity.
The sign situated on the left side is pictureng probably an altar, more exactly an portable altar. Those3 vertical lines on top are pictuing the flames or smoke.
But why I told of that puzzling aspect ofthose signs ? Becouse they derouted so many viewers.No one thought that we can have there some archaic letters put one in top of another, obtaining 2 columns, wich of them containing some 2-3 letters.
Could be an A Vinca sign, but many has realised that a characteristic of Vinca writing is the fact that the signs are realised using elementary signs.So if it is about Vinca writing, there we have morethan a soud or letter. What is determining me is that greek G-like sign intercalated horizontaly.
But the slight posibility to be an A could remain, and not totaly rejected.
Could be composed of archaic archaic A and an sign wich is put horisontaly, maybe an G. Of corse that sign could be either L ,but I remain for G.
So, out of A and G could have , begining from top, for example AG,AGa,AGiA. Note: Iheard and posted in the forum an atteste writing in an inscription of the word AGIA written in column, but I not found it, to see how it looks.
As I understood old A could be for AE. So AEG, as for AEGis for exemple. Or maybe a kind of EG wich could be for EG,EGa an old form of EGo, or evenEGo.
Is composed begining from top by some letters wich could be: Csi,Dela,C......EVC, etc. but I am tented to take EVO and reading it EGO,EUO.
Note that in my opinion the tablet is not so old, is much newer, and could have the posibility to be a kind of old italic writing, any case something new inthe time perspective.
It is containing the signs:
DDoo        (or DDoc, DDou)
This +++++ is making trouble to me.
Out of beeing letter/letters could be the sign for 50 wich is the age of the deceased woman. (I told that the tablets werefound near the bones of a human female skeleton,wich age was aproximately 50 years).
Out of tis rendering, we could have there an nottoo much common Se,Su,Z sign, any case a sibilant. Or even twoo, like ZZ. So Z, Ze wich is ZEU or the greek-hebrew tetragrammaton written  ZZ.
Those DDo? signs, also were tireding me. Because first I had to take them as D, but two DD ,double D rather are  not used in man languages.
Could have DDeu (wich is a form of lycian DDEWE, village, settlement,town) ,like the tracian -DAWA or -DAUA, for town.
In sardinian,napoletan,etc we have nowdays DDiO so possible there DDiOU.
I saught if have
DDou we could have out of Z and folowing OO , Zoo, butmuch likely ZOU as in "ZOU to lako". You know that Z sign was pronounced ZD,DZ, and DD. Maybe we have here written Zeus as was pronounced in doric cretan, DDOU.
I sought eitheras having there RROU where RR is in factRho, like RhOU wich is homeric flux.
The name of theSun could be in Geece Seir, Seiros but here could be SURhou you radiate, good flux-radiation.In fact SEIRO is the same in meaning.Could have seiros written SeRROU, SERROS. Or Se RoROS, aRROU ?
Some observed, and toldMr. Merlini that there the 2-nd D apeeared olso to heve the vertical part/stroke going upward in the middle of that +++++ Z, in this case beeing like a b.
Out of this :DieBOU,DieVOS.
Also s intriguing me the presence of a stroein the first D.Could be made by mistake, becouse here is a tendency to forget to rise the stylus,and that sign could be an result. If not, thought of an unknown form of R. So SeRBOS=servos
The signs there are HP where we have the old eta, HETa. So Heta and Rho. I am not tempted to dake for D, cause is P-like.
That Heta was pronounced as hard H.
HeRa, HeRo? It is atested that Hera was written as monogram HR. Otherwise ,HoRa. Note that my opinion was HOROS=HOROS (Horus)=HERO !
Din What was the Proto-Indo-European ideology ?………..The second is the *Xártus, which is the pattern of the universe. This word comes from the root *xar- (in the usual notation, *H2er-), meaning "to fit together, particularly according to a pleasing pattern; to dovetail." Both linguistically and ideologically Xártus is the root of the Vedic rta, and the concept is similar as well to the Germanic wyrd. The Xártus is the pattern of the cosmos, but not one that’s imposed from without. Instead it grows from the cosmos itself.
 If the cosmos is a tree, then its branches form a pattern, which is the Xártus. Notice a number of things. First, the pattern forms itself out of the growth of the tree itself – as the cosmos grows, and actions and things arise and are added to the cosmos, the pattern of the branches changes. The Xártus therefore arises from the cosmos, rather than from outside it. ……….
Here we have maybe Q  CC
Only for this sign Q aIam not sure, but better Q than C+, wich is an linear B sign.
Not sped much time for possible reading, but could be Qu ZaGa,   Qu DzaG. ( Zagg, Dag,Daga ?)
Herd the doubling a letter is indicating the finish of the text.
s fi vrut să vă arăt ceva la fel de interesant, dacă nu şi mai şi decât lucrarea postată anterior.Acolo se vede evoluţia literelor începând cu semnele civ. Vinca (tot autorul spune că nu este sigur că sântechiv. literelor în discuţi)Porţiunea din lucrare care apare inofensiv ca {link to file 4} ,este cel puţi pentru mine de o valoare extraordinară, pentru faptul că confirmă cocluziile rezultateî urma cercetărilor mele. în format PDF, iar link-ul nu se deschide decât dacă aţi deschis documentul potat de mine anterior chiar Dv. în format PDF.
Altfel îl puteţi deschide :1 1. Materials and methods ...
Ei, am încercat să o postez, ca să vedeţi şi Dv., dar sub nici o formă imaginile nu se lasă copiate.Aşa că decât fără ele, mai bine nu am postat. Le veţi vedea Dv. când deschideţi link-ul.
 Este foarte interesant ce rezultă folosind ceea ce a cercetat Dl. Kostas Theodorides, spre exemplu,

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