duminică, 20 februarie 2011

work in progress.NUMELE P.I.E. PENTRU SOARE

Din  “Sun” and “moon” in Celtic and Indo-European. de Ranko MATASOVIĆ www.celtologica.com/PDF/Celto-Slavica2%20Matasovic.pdf
Reconstruction of PIE word for “sun”
There were two words for sun in PIE, a common gender (presumable masculine) noun and theonim (*seh2wol) and a neuter abstract noun (*sh2wor)
The former represented the sun as the heavenly body and the mythological figure, while the other reffered to it in its more abstract nature, or simply to the notion of “sunshine”.The common gender noun is the only one used in solar theonyms, such as Vedic Surya-, or greek Helios.
That neuter heteroclitic noun, *sh2wor, is preserved in Skt. Svar (suvar) n. “sun,sunshine” and O.Av. huuara n.The trace of the old heteroclitic inflexion  is preserved in the O.Av. gen. sg. hwang < *sh2wen-s.The archaic static inflexion of this noun was remodeled in most languages ,included Vedic, where the genitive of svar is suras.This form can be explained either from  *suh2r-os (by laryngeal metathesis), or transformed analogically from *suh2r-os by analogy with other examples where uv alternated wit u in Vedic, e.g. su > suvati:”pushes,sets in motion” :suta”moved”…………………………….goth sinths “way”
Latin sol can be derived regularly from (see Bammesberger 1985) from *sh2wol with the zero-grade of the root from the oblique cases. The loss of the laryngeal is presumable expected, and the development of   *sw- to s- is regular.(as in soror< *swesor).

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